UNILANG Japanese Stage 1

Northumbria University
UNILANG Japanese Stage 1; 80%

September 2010 – June 2011

This was a one-year beginner’s course in Japanese language that was offered by Northumbria University as part of the UNILANG Langauges for All programme. The course was designed to give learners a good grasp of speaking, reading and writing Japanese at the beginner level.

The course covered aspects such as

Basic kanji
Greeting and introductions
Places and nationality
Expression of opinions
Food and drink as common items and in a situational context
Sports and hobbies
Time and time-based activities
Common verbs
Grammar particles

As well as these topics the course also added in a look at the structure and culture of Japanese society where appropriate; particularly in the case of the March 11th 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Disaster.

Assessment was through written examinations for reading, writing and listening as well as a spoken presentation.

This was the final year that the course was offered to the general public and students of courses outside of business.